Talmidim to Commemorate the Legacy of Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yosef Rosenblum at Hachnosas Sefer Torah

Talmidim to Commemorate the Legacy of Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yosef Rosenblum at Hachnosas Sefer Torah

Close to five years have passed since the petirah of Rav Yosef Rosenblum, zt”l, who co-founded Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher in Boro Park together with Rav Yitzchok Koppelman, zt”l.

He served as its Rosh Yeshiva for many decades, and in this time became a leader of Klal Yisroel—caring deeply about every issue that affected the nation, spiritually or materially. He waged battles that others would not, and the awareness about the pitfalls of technology that exist today are largely due to his warning cries.

But his talmidim recall the superhuman hasmodoh, Ahavas haTorah, and depth and breadth in Torah that he displayed every day—making it his entire world—which left an indelible, lifelong impression.

It is thus befitting that they will commemorate his legacy with the inauguration of a new Sefer Torah to the yeshiva this Sunday. Written by his loving talmidim, it will be completed this Sunday at the home of the Rosh Yeshiva on 41st Street, making its way to the yeshiva that afternoon—an event that is sure to bring out hundreds of talmidim whom he shaped for life.   

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