TODAY: Hundreds of Slabodka Talmidim to Reunite with Rosh Yeshiva

YS Gold
Hundreds of Slabodka talmidim from the Tri-State area will reunited with their Rosh Yeshiva, Haga’on Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlit”a, who has made the trip to America especially to be mechazek the American community, and raise funds for the venerated Slabodka Yeshiva.
This event will serve as an opportunity for the yungeleit to relive their precious, idealistic yeshiva days.
The event will take place at the Marriot Hotel in Newark, and will contain many highlights.
The assembled will hear words of chizuk and guidance from the Rosh Yeshiva, and have the opportunity to be greet and meet their rosh Yeshiva personally.
A special live hookup to Eretz Yisroel will connect the talmidim to their Rosh Yeshiva Haga’aon Rav Dov Laundau, shlit”a, who will answer question posed by those in attendance.
Hundreds of Slabodka alumni hail from the chassidishe community, and today live in the heimishe communities around the Tri-State Area. Tonight, they will have the opportunity to relive their yeshiva days together with their revered Rosh Yeshiva.