Viznitz Kollel Celebrates Hachnasas Sefer Torah

By BoroPark24 Staff
The Viznitz Boro Park Kollel will be celebrating a hachnasas sefer Torah later today, on Sunday April 7, written by the sponsors of the Viznitz Boro Park Kollel in memory of the Viznitz Monsey Rebbe z”l.
The hachnasas sefer torah will start out at the Kollel on 5402-14th Ave and will continue with a full procession and dancing to the main Viznitz shul on 53rd St, where there will be a big seuda in honor of the hachnasas sefer Torah, followed by a yartzeit seuda for the Rebbe’s yartzeit.
The public will be able to write an ois in the Torah between 3:00-4:45PM in the kollel before the procession leaves.