46 Separate Shootings in NYC Last Week Made it 2021’s Bloodiest on Record

New York City endured its bloodiest week so far this year, as gun violence continues to rise.
After the city saw two dozen shootings just last weekend, the NYPD reported this year’s statistics that said that 376 shootings that had 416 victims have already taken place in 2021.
Instead of bolstering law and order, the lack of which is seen in the city’s increased crime rates and garbage strewn on the street, when confronted with New Yorkers’ fears, Mayor Bill de Blasio often repeats his ideas that the only way to drive down crime is “for police and community to work better together,” in programs that he has promoted, such as allowing city council members to have a say in the hiring of precinct commanders and increased communication between communities and the officers at their local precincts.
The mayor also has blamed crime on what he has many times called “the perfect storm” of variables that were caused in the city by the dislocation of both the pandemic and a tumultuous year of protests.
“The mayor talks about record gun arrests — the only record we will have this year is record shootings,” the police officer told The New York Post.
Over the last two weeks, gun arrests were down compared to last year.
Despite the mayor's insistence that crime will disappear as soon as the pandemic ends, NYPD's data shows that the pandemic and crime do not seem to be correlated.
Last week, for instance, NYPD data shows that 50 people were shot in 46 separate incidents over the seven-day period that ended Sunday evening, which is more than a 300% surge compared with the same week last year, when the pandemic was just getting started.
In the final full week of April, when the city was beginning its second month of COVID and lockdowns, the NYPD reported only 11 shootings, with 12 victims.
In fact, the same week last year, April 20 to 26 of 2019, before the pandemic started at all, saw a similar number of shootings to 2020.
As COVID positivity rates continue to fall, but crime keeps rising, the mayor’s argument that the pandemic is increasing crime simply falls apart.
Just last week, the mayor announced an unusual number of specific programs that included stepping up efforts to curb crime by “communities, courts, and cops," however the New York Post reported that nearly all of those measures had already been unsuccessfully implemented in 2020, including the “Summer All Out” initiative that failed to slow a months-long surge in shootings.