BDE: Reb Avrohom Lowenthal, z”l

BDE: Reb Avrohom Lowenthal, z”l

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Avrohom Lowenthal, z”l, a true vestige of prewar German Jewry. He was 91 years of age.

He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, to his father, Hechover Aaron Meir and his mother Kaila. As his title suggests, his father was a talmid chochom and a prominent person in Frankfurt’s Jewish community. At the same time he also studied medicine, and had just opened his own practice in Frankfurt, when the terrifying events of Kristalnacht transpired.

While his father hesitated to leave behind everything he had worked so hard to build, it was his mother’s insistence that it was too dangerous to remain, that saved the family. The entire family was fortunate to survive the war. 

Establishing himself in America, Reb Avrohom worked hard for many years as a teacher—decades of them in Yeshiva Yagdil Torah of Ger. He became known as a fierce medakdek b’halacha—uncompromising in even the smallest detail of halacha.

He davened for decades at the Unsdorfer Rov’s Be’er Shmuel, where he was the ba’al tokeah, using the shofar that they had brought from Germany—until this very last Rosh Hashanah. For all his years, he also davened from the Siddur that his father had printed in Germany.

In later years, he had problems with his feet, and he would nevertheless drag himself to shul in even the harshest conditions—even though it could take him 20 minutes to walk less than a block.

When he became hard of hearing, he ensured that he stood near the ba’al tefilah so he could hear every word, and this was the way he approached every mitzvah; with complete attention to every detail.    

The niftar was a vital part of the Stretiner kehillah for many years, and was exceptionally close to the previous Stretiner Rebbe, Rav Aaron Brandwein, zt”l, and lbl”ch, his son, the current Rebbe, and his children, who recall a man who lived life straight as an arrow, completely dedicated to Torah and mitzvos.

The levaya will take place 12:30 at Shomrei Hadas

Yehi Zichro Baruch

Watch Live the Levaya of Reb Avrohom Lowenthal, z”l

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