Boro Park Today: Simchos and Celebration - Thursday 3 Nissan / April 11

Son of Akiva Yosef Fisher with the daughter of Naftule Aron Fishman, in Tiferes Mordche.
Son of Eli Hoffman with the daughter of Itche Meir Walzer, in Viznitz.
Son of Shloime Reichman with the daughter of Levi Yitzchok Fishman, in Tiferes Rivkah.
Son of Gershon Engel with the daughter of Yitzchok Glick, in Ateres Chaya.
Son of Yisroel Meir Zaltzer with the daughter of Moshe Duvid Kish u"h, in the New Bnos Zion Bobov hall.
Son of Nussen Grozinger with the daughter of Chaim Meisels, in Lipshitz.
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