Joy and Celebration as Boros Poured For Mikvah of Yeshivas Me’or Hachaim’s Summer Camp

Joy and Celebration as Boros Poured For Mikvah of Yeshivas Me’or Hachaim’s Summer Camp

Yeshivas Me’or Hachaim is a renowned Yeshiva in the heart of the Boro Park community—a place where every single bochur is nurtured and individually guided in the ways of Torah and avodah, giving him a path and a mission for lifelong growth. 

It is led by its Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Avrohom Steinmetz, shlit”a, who does not cease in his work on behalf of each and every bachur in the yeshiva. 

Last year, the yeshiva—ever striving to provide every conceivable need for the Aliyah of the bachurim—acquired a magnificent summer camp in upstate New York overlooking scenic mountains from its beautiful grounds. 

There was only one thing missing during last year’s summer season; a mikvah that would allow the bachurim to immerse before davening. As the winter drew to a close, the Rosh Yeshiva embarked on a project to build a magnificent, state-of-the-art mikvah for the bachurim. 

As bein hazmanim dawned, it was time to pour the boros for the mikvah, and the Rosh Yeshiva wanted the bachurim to be able to attend this momentous occasion. The entire yeshiva made the journey to the camp, where they each got a turn to shovel cement into the pits that will soon be filled with rainwater. 

The ma’amad was headlined by Rav Yechiel Michel Steinmetz, shlit”a, the Skverer dayan of Boro Park, and the father of the Rosh Yeshiva. He addressed the entire yeshiva and its devoted faculty following the pouring of the boros. 

He extolled the bachurim for their hard work during an extensive zeman of growth, and heralded their strides that they have made through much hard work. 

As the bachurim departed their summer home, crews continued the work of ensuring that a state-of-the-art pool of purity will be ready to serve them as they return in a few short months.

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