Junior Chef: Marvelous Mishkan Menorah

Your Junior Chef will enjoy building, displaying, and sharing this Marvelous Mishkan Menorah - the perfect Parsha project for Parshas Terumah.
You will need:
- Brown wafers
- Wafer rolls
- Melted chocolate
- Toothpicks
Step #1
Take two wafers and lay them flat. Take a toothpick and push it into one wafer halfway, then take another wafer and push it in to connect to the first one. Repeat this until there are three sets of connected wafers.
Step #2
Take another toothpick and push it in the middle on top of one wafer set, then take another set of wafers and push it into that toothpick standing up.
Step #3
Take another toothpick and push it in on the top of the standing wafer, then take the last set of wafers and lay flat on top of the toothpick.
Step #4
Add eight wafer rolls on the top wafers for the menorah's candles with a little bit of melted chocolate.
Step #5
Take three wafers, and put some melted chocolate at the end of 2 wafers, piling it up, creating three steps. Put some melted chocolate on the menorah stand and connect the steps.
Step #6
Take a picture of the finished creation and send it to [email protected] with the name of your Junior Chef to share with our readers.
Looking forward!