Living Legacy: Rav Avigdor Hakohen Miller, zt”l

By: Yehuda Alter
The history is still being written of the brilliance and the
mussar represented by Rav Avigdor Miller, zt”l, and Yidden from every
section of Klal Yisroel are appreciating his wisdom and insight more and more
with every passing day.
In honor of his 21st yohrzteit, 27 Nissan,
we take a look at his life.
Rav Miller was born in Baltimore, Maryland in the year 1908.
This was before the advent of a full day Talmud Torah (Talmudical Academy was
founded by Rav Avrohom Nachman Schwartz in Baltimore in the year 1917), and
Avigdor would attend after-school Talmud Torah.
Seeing the brilliance of the young child, the heads of the
Talmud Torah arranged for him to continue learning with a deeply pious and
learned Lubavitcher chossid by the name of Rav Avrohom Eliyahu Axelrod (he was
the founder of the Lubavitcher Tzemach Tzedek shul in Baltimore). Although the
school could not afford to pay Rav Axelrod, he nevertheless continued to teach
his young protégé, and thus, a gadol was shaped Baltimore of yore.
For high school, he journeyed to the big city, enrolling in
the RIETS yeshiva, where he remained for a number of years. Eventually, he
formed a group of young men to learn mesilas yeshorim—and with this, a lifetime
of pursuit of character perfection was commenced. It would not cease until Rav
Miller’s last days, when he was well into his 90’s. This career was continued
when he made the long journey to Slabodka, enrolling in the great yeshiva.
Here, his reputation grew, and he was suggested as a
shidduch for Ettel Lessin, the daughter of Rav Moshe Yaakov Hakohen Lessin of
Slabodka (he was later the mashgiach of RIETS). They were married in Slabodka
in 1935. The family was fortunate to get out of Lithuania, and make it to the
United States ahead of the Nazis, ymsh”sh.
After a stint as a rov in Chelsea, Mass, he became the
mashgiach of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, which was led by Rav Hutner, a
fellow talmid of Slabodka. Simultanously, he became the rov of Agudas Yisroel
of Rugby, in East New York. With the demographic changes in the area, he moved
the shul to Ocean Parkway, where it was called Bais Yisroel of Rugby Torah
With this, a chapter of harbotzas Torah was begun—the
magnitude of which is indescribable.
He geared his countless shiurim to balebatim. He demanded of
them, and he transformed them—all through the sheer power of Torah. His entire
hashkafah was directly steeped in Torah—and he espoused it fiercely and
He is famed for bringing out the wisdom in Hashem’s
Creation, exhorting his listeners to appreciate the miracles that are all
around us—and through this to arrive at yiras Hashem.
And then there was his personal example; his rigorous
hasmodoh, nonstop learning, not benefitting from this world a drop more than
the absolute minimum.
Rav Miller left the world at 97 years of age, in the year 2001—but he left behind and incredible amount of Torah that is being learned by tens of thousands around the world, continuing to be shaped this great American-born gadol.