Three New Stores Open in Boro Park

YS Gold
Following the opening of a few new establishments in recent weeks as we reported last week, BoroPark24 takes you once again to the streets of Boro Park and three new establishments that are set to open there.
Jus by Julie, which already has one branch in Boro Park, on 13th Avenue, will soon be opening a store on 18th Avenue, next door to Mendelsohns pizza.
The former location of the Bee Cottons store next to Chase Bank on 16th Avenue near 47th street has been transformed into a computer kiosk already in use.
Farkas Taleisim on 16th Avenue between 45th and 46th street closed up last spring due to a fire in their upstate factory. BoroPark24 has learned that the store has been purchased by a new owner and has already opened for retail under their old name.