80,000 Yidden Created Instant Kosher Community in Orlando Over Pesach
Is Orlando the hottest “pop-up” kosher community for Yom Tov?
Whether they participated in Pesach programs or made their own Sedarim, some 80,000 Yidden descended upon the city in the middle of Sunshine State to create an instant Jewish community.
In fact, the star-studded Chol Ha Moed concerts, pop-up Pesadic pizza stores, a fundraiser for a well-known charity, and grocery stores made the Jewish vacationers feel as if they were in a warmer and sunnier version of Brooklyn or Lakewood, Jewish vacationers told Kosher Today.
Rafi and Baila, who live in Brooklyn, for instance, rented a home in the Encore development in Orlando and participated in a Pesach program that they said "provided excellent catered meals," said that Orlando “was the place to be.”
For Yidden making their own meals, Winn Dixie stores had significantly upgraded their kosher l’Pesach selections, by providing pre-made Pesadic meals, such as roasted chicken, corned beef, or brisket, gefilte fish, a variety of kugels, soups, side dishes, and desserts. At the South Orlando location of Winn-Dixie, Yidden could buy kosher l’Pesach prepared foods individually, priced a la carte.
Post-pandemic, kosher hotel programs are down 75%, but Orlando, which already is well set up for tourism, is the natural place for an “instant community,” as many Yidden who spent Pesach there called it.
As the kosher food industry continues to provide more resources to Orlando, Yidden are already booking where they will stay for Sukkos and Chanukah 2021.