BDE: R’ Berel Guttman-Wertzberger, 105, Eldest Viznitzer Chossid
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the petirah of Reb Berel Gutman-Wertzberger of Brazil, Boro Park, and Yerushalayim. He was 105 years of age, and had been the eldest Viznitzer Chossid alive.
The niftar grew up in Grosswardein, the in the glow of the Ahavas Yisroel of Viznitz. He endured the horrors of the Holocaust but emerged with his emunah intact.
After living for many years in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he moved to Boro Park, where he resided for a number of years, and where he was a beloved presence in the Viznitzer Beis Medrash.
He was an ardent Chossid of the Viznitzer Admorim and was always seen with a smile.
In his last years, he resided in Eretz Yisroel, where he was niftar on Tuesday.
He leaves behind generations who follow in his path of Torah and avodah.
The levaya took place in Yerushalayim on Tuesday.
Yehi zichro baruch.