BDE: Reb Yitzchok Zev (Velvel) Finkelstein, z”l
by YS Gold
It is with deep sadness that we report on the passing of Reb Velvel Finkelstein, a pillar in the Kensington community and the Nossi of Yeshivas Bayonne.
The niftar was the son of Reb Yankel Finkelstein, an alter Mirer who was close to the great luminaries of the Mir, and Velvel was raised with a deep ahavas haTorah that drove so many of his Torah and Chessed activities.
In addition to his selfless work running Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayonne, Reb Velvel was a tremendous ba’al Chessed who raised fantastic sums for those in need, in the neighborhood and beyond.
He was a great masmid himself, but was not satisfied with his own Torah learning alone. For decades he supported an evening Kollel for boys and young bachurim at the nearby Khal Lev Avrohom, and supported other Torah initiatives as well.
He was unwell in recent weeks, and was niftar Tuesday morning. The levaya took place Tuesday at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayonne.
Yehi zichro baruch.