Bobover Chassidus to Celebrate Completion of Two Building Projects
![Bobover Chassidus to Celebrate Completion of Two Building Projects](
YS Gold
A festive Chanukas Habayis celebration will be taking place coming week in the Bobover Kehila as they reach the joyous moment of completing two mega building projects for the Talmidim and Talmidos.
On the edge of Boro Park, an enormous building has been going up, towering above the entire area. This will be the new home of the cheder Bnei Zion of Bobov.
Standing at eight sprawling stories above ground and two more below, this edifice will finally give the cheder and its thousands of talmidim the space that they need and deserve to grow and thrive in their learning. It will bring together all the grades—from Kitah Aleph to Kitah Tes—under one roof, while the preschool will remain at their current building on 42nd Street and 15th Avenue. Two new wedding halls will be opening after the Summer, The Heitner Hall and Ohulei Freida Halls.
This comes on the heels of the inauguration at the beginning of this year of a massive new addition for the Bnos Zion girls school on 14th Ave 51st Street, as reported here. The new big Bnos Zion building is already fully occupied by the many classes learning and growing in this mega 7-story building. This building also houses a new wedding venue where Simchas and Events are already taking place.
Boro Parkers watched with amazement two huge building projects reach high limits in a short amount of time; this comes thanks to the generous donations of many philanthropists, as well as the contributions from Bobover Chasidim, and the Boro Parkers who helped their fellow Bobover family and friends reach their goals at the historic $30 million campaign two years ago, as reported here.
As the boys are looking forward to moving in, grade by grade, starting this week bez”h, heavy preparations are being made for the big celebration event which will take place in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A separate full program is scheduled for the ladies in the Kehila and will take place in the Palace halls in Boro Park.
The Chanukas Habayis will be celebrated by thousands of Chassidim—led by the Rebbe, shlit”a—who will rejoice with this new magnificent edifice that will serve the children of the Chassidus for many years to come.