Boro Park Today: Simchos and Celebrations - Tuesday, 15 Kislev / Nov. 28

Son of Danial Gross to the daughter of Yitzchok Ezrial Krausz, in Tferes Mordcha.
Son of Mendal Pargos to the daughter of Eliezer Igal, in Tferes Rivka.
Son of Yitzchok Sharf to the daughter of Yaakov Shimshon Miller, in Kerem Menachem.
Son of Benyomin Zev Fleisher to the daughter of Yicheskal Shraga Polochek, in Spinka 1466-56.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Levi Yitzchok Lichtenstein, in Beis Esther 1353-50.
Son of Ezra Freidlander, in Anshi Sfard 1370-45.