Mayor Adams Loses $1,393.20 of His First Paycheck After Cryptocurrency Markets Crash
By Yehudit GarmaiseSince Friday, when Mayor Eric Adams converted into his.... read more

BDE: Rav Avrohom Burech Winkler, z”l
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Rav Avrohom Burech Winkler, a tremendous talmid chochom who dedicated.... read more

Gov. Hochuls Calls on Nine States to Team Up to Stop the Flow of Guns from the South
By Yehudit GarmaiseInterstate illegal gun trafficking greatly contributes to the crime and violence in New York, data shows, however,.... read more

TEHILLIM: Admor of Kavunas Halev Undergoes Surgery Today
Tefillos are being requested on behalf of Harav Hatzadik, Rav Shmuel Zev Lichter, shlit”a, Admor of Kavunas Halev, and son-in-law of the.... read more

Two NYPD Officers Injured After Arresting Suspect in Assault
Two NYPD officers were injured after attempting to arrest a suspect who assaulted another person, and began attacking the officers when they.... read more

BDE: Mrs. Sima Rauchberger, a”h, Holocaust Survivor, Native of Sighet
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rauchberger, a longtime Boro Park resident who established generations here. She was.... read more

Mayor Adams Insists Federal Government Must Stop “Constant Flow of Guns Coming into NYC”
By Yehudit GarmaiseThe NYPD is working hard to remove guns from the streets, Mayor Eric Adams said this morning on ABC, however, the.... read more

Viener Kehillah Celebrates Completion of ‘Divrei Hayomim’ Taught by Venerated Dayan
Khal Adas Yere’im, the Viener Kehillah of Boro Park is a direct extension of the legendary Schiffschul in Vienna, and has existed in Boro Park.... read more

BDE: Reb Yosef Weiss, z”l, London-Boro Park
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yosef Weiss, a native of Bnei Brak who resided in London, and spent many years in the Boro.... read more

BDE: Rav Lipa Margulies, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temimah.
We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of Rav Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Margulies, one of the greatest builders of Torah in Brooklyn. He had.... read more

Memory Lane: Rav Yaakov Meir Kahana-Shapiro - Part 1
The Kahana-Shapiro family traces its roots to Krakow of yore, where their famed ancestor and patriarch, Rav Nosson Nota Spira, known as the.... read more

Central Hatzolah Recognizes Assistant Commissioner Pinny Ringel for Eight Years of “Selfless Work lishmah”
In a quiet, private event, Central Hatzolah—the umbrella organization of all Hatzolah volunteer organizations in the country—paid tribute to.... read more

Photo Gallery: Uvos Ibunim in Beis Medrash Belz 43
Photos by: Avrhumi Berger.... read more

NYPD: Suspect Stole Lottery Tickets and Cash from Gas Station Shop on Bay Pkwy
The NYPD is looking for a suspect who entered the Bolla Market shop at the gas station on Bay Parkway and McDonald Ave. and displayed a firearm.... read more

Weekly Weather: A Cold Week Ahead, Possible Storm on Horizon
By: Yaker BiegeleisenAs we head into a new week, the frigid weather from Shabbos will remain with us—a cold week lies in.... read more

FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro, who had Wanted to Stay On, Announces Retirement
By Yehudit GarmaiseFDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro, who was appointed by former Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2014, had recently said that he.... read more