Joy and History at the Munkatcher Bar Mitzvah in Boro Park
It was with feelings of joy and nostalgia that Munkatcher
chassidim celebrated the bar mitzvah of the great-grandson of the Munkatcher
Rebbe, only the second of event of its kind—as the fourth generation of
Munkatch in America enters the ol hamitzvos.
The event took place last Wednesday in the large Munkatcher
Beis Medrash amid great joy and dancing.
The Bar Mitzvah bachur is Shlomo Zalman Katz, a son of the Viener Rosh Kolel of Boro Park, a grandson of the Viener rov, and a grandson of Rav Chaim Elozor Rabinowitz, Munkatcher Rosh Yeshiva, Oldest son of the Rebbe.
Photos by: Hillel Lash