After the resounding success of Makdim’s Health Awareness Event for men this past July, the organization's founders have been inundated with requests for a similar event geared towards the female population.
After much careful planning Makdim is proud to announce Mind Your Health – the preventative health symposium for women, which will take place via live stream and teleconference on Tuesday, November 7 at 8:30 PM.
Our lives as Jewish women are inordinately busy. It’s so easy to neglect our health and prioritize our families and homes. “Yanky has a toothache, we have to call back the shadchan, Yom Tov is coming…”
But what, if not our health, is more important to our families? A Yiddishe family needs a strong, healthy mother at its helm – there’s nothing that takes precedence over that.
Makdim is aware of mothers’ tendencies to relegate their health and well-being to the back burner and is on a mission to change that.
The preventative health symposium for women is the first step in discussing health concerns related to women, moderated by Israel Zyskind, MD of Boro Park Pediatric Associates.
A strong emphasis will be put on the importance of having a primary care physician and scheduling yearly doctor’s visits and preventative screenings.
Some of the topics to be addressed include:
- Illnesses and chronic problems most commonly detected in women
- Obesity or Ozempic? Leading a healthy lifestyle
- Taking care of your heart and your blood pressure
- Guidelines for early detection of breast and cervical cancer
Hear from survivors of various illnesses about how you owe it to yourself and your family to take charge of your health.
Join our Women’s Health Event
Tuesday, November 7 at 8:30 PM
Livestream at or call our hotline at 718.925.2943