Op-Ed: Reflections Upon a Giant Taken from Boro Park’s Midst

Op-Ed: Reflections Upon a Giant Taken from Boro Park’s Midst

This Motzei Shabbos, in the immediate aftermath of the untimely passing of Reb Yekusiel Rosner, z”l, BoroPark24 reported briefly about his incredible generosity. In the days that followed, a more comprehensive picture emerged of a unique individual with a heart of gold, for whom giving to others was his essence, while remaining humble, and with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

 The Boro Park community has lost a pillar, a unique ba’al tzeddakah that we have had in our midst.

 It is said that “numbers don’t lie.” So when we view video of block-long lines that wound up the steps of Reb Yekusiel’s home on Purim, or accounts of the hundreds of collectors that came through his home every single week, or we read lists that have come out of his millions to tzeddakah organizations each year—we come to appreciate the magnitude of the generosity of this ba’al tzeddakah.

 Which makes the following anecdote all the more remarkable. Reb Yekusiel merited to have exceptional children, ka”h, and someone close to him explained: “His children, and their chinuch, was his life. He could be in middle of the most stressful business transaction; but if he got a call from his children, everything went on hold.” And in this vein, a melamed in Boro Park recounted the following about the Purim when he taught one of the Rosner boys:

 “In the middle of Purim day—when lines of collectors stretched out of his home—who should walk into my home (having shlepped himself up the six flights of stairs) but Reb Yekusiel, bearing a beautiful Mishlo’ach Manos, and an expensive bottle of wine… and a $1000 check. But what about all the tzeddakah collectors at his home? He did not forget about them; his home remained wide open, while his gabbai continued to attend to the petitioners.”

 On that note about his thoughtfulness, a casual acquaintance related that when he made bar mitzvah, he received a text from Reb Yekusiel, apologizing that he could not make it. “But the very next morning, knowing that I was bringing my son to Reb Yechezkel Roth to put on tefillin, he made his way over to Karlsburg (where he davened on Shabbos, not in the weekdays), especially  to participate in my simcha.

 A relative of Reb Yekusiel related that whenever he would bring over a meshulach, he would always walk out with a generous donation. “But it was his simplicity, his friendliness, and his humility to everyone he encountered, that elevated his tzeddakah to another level. He was a class act, with an incredible, gracious personality—never thinking for a moment that his wealth separated him from even the youngest child. It never got to his head; he was occupied with askonus, doing for others, and with his family; a true model for navigating the nisayon of wealth with a clear mind.”

 Reb Yekusiel was exceptionally close to the late tzaddik and posek, Rav Yechezkel Roth, zt”l—and singlehandedly supported him financially. At the levaya, which took place at the Karlsburger Beis Medrash, Rav Moshe Roth recalled how his father promised his beloved disciple: “As long as I am here, nothing will happen to you.” Three months after his passing, Reb Yekusiel ascends to rejoin his great Rebbe—accompanied by the incredible amount of tzeddakah and chessed that he accomplished during his lifetime.

 This is a time to contemplate the fact that there lived within our midst, in the year 2021, an ordinary person who gave without limit, and understood with clarity why Hashem blessed him with wealth; to give to others. And for no other reason. Were that we could all learn from his example and apply it to our own lives, in our own way.

 With his untimely passing, he leaves bereft not only his family, but also thousands of Yidden and institutions in need who always knew that they could count on one address—and be received with warmth and generosity—in the center of Boro Park.

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