Uber Drivers Ask Passengers to Boycott Uber, which Blocked Their Pay Raise

By Yehudit Garmaise
Uber drivers, protesting in their second 24-hour strike, are asking passengers to boycott the ride app today.
Uber drivers are striking to call attention to the legal action Uber took to block the drivers’ pay raise scheduled to go into effect in December 2021, abc7ny reported.
“The exploitation must end,” said a sign held by many Uber drivers who held their first 24-hour strike in late December. “We demand our pay raise now!”
When the drivers speak in court at the end of the month, they are expected to argue that they desperately need their scheduled pay raise because of record-high inflation.
The Uber drivers have asked the court to restore the raise previously approved by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), which regulates how much the company needs to pay its drivers: per minute and mile.
On Friday, city attorneys, Uber, and the union representing the drivers will meet at a hearing in court.
“This is how I feed my kids and pay my bills," said one Uber driver from his car today. "Uber: enough is enough.”
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