When Seconds Count, Boro Park Hatzolah is there in a Second
- May 18 2022
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- 1:26 PM
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By: Boropark24 Editors
The week surrounding Lag Ba’Omer has become designated within Jewish communities around the world for a most sacred and precious cause: supporting and strengthening some of the most heroic and venerated members of our community; our neighbors, relatives, and friends—ordinary men who dedicate their lives to saving lives in a most extraordinary manner.
Chevra Hatzolah of Boro Park is one of the oldest Hatzolah organizations, and in many ways a trailblazer and role model to those who have come after them and followed in their heroic footsteps.
We see their sacrifices every day, and every single Boro Park resident knows whom to call should the need arise, R”l, at every hour of the day and night—secure in the knowledge that they will pick up on the first ring, because Haztolah is always ready for your call, they can be there in a second—giving our entire community the peace of mind so we can sleep soundly through the night.
If you happen to be up in the wee hours of the morning, listen at your window. There is a good chance that you will hear the sounds of selflessness and sacrifice; your fellow Boro Park resident rushing to save a life... interrupting his precious moments of sleep so he can be there in a second.
If you hear sirens during your seder night or your Yom Kippur davening, it is also your fellow Boro Parker rushing to be there in a second.
What do our heroes of rescue ask of us? Not for honor or recognition, not for payment or gifts.
They turn to us with one request: “Allow us and our fellow members to equip ourselves with the most modern and advanced lifesaving tools and medications so that we can continue to have the privilege of saving the lives of your neighbors.”
Boropark24 is honored to salute our heroes who are there in a second, doing our small part in featuring their individual pages here. Look for a member you know, or donate to the general Boro Park Hatzolah page. We ask our readers to join us in expressing our gratitude to Boro Park Hatzolah, enabling Hatzolah to continue its vital work around the clock, throughout the year... never taking a moment to sleep because they need to be there in a second.
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