9600+ Babies Share The Same Miraculous Start

The pictures pour in from all corners of the globe.
Ranging from sentimental studio photos to candid shots of mischievous toddlers at play, they all have one thing in common:
Each a Bonei Olam baby, brought into this world thanks to countless tefillos…. and the generous donations of the klal.
What began in 1999 as an initiative of Rabbi and Mrs. Bochner has since grown into a miraculous outpouring of support – financially, emotionally practically – for waiting couples across the globe. To date, 9600+ babies have been born thanks to the generosity of people like you.
In this year’s auction, Bonei Olam invites you to help waiting couples “Enter Land of Little” – that coveted world of tiny socks and sleepless nights.
Enchanting scenes and heartfelt messaging work together to help tell the story of the 1 in 6 couples in our community who are waiting. Because with every little bit that you give, you’re truly giving a world.
Watch: https://youtu.be/aOlJ4lUzzYw
In return, you can win extraordinary prizes, like a family trip to Israel, or a high-end kitchen.
To help gift a waiting couple with a tiny bundle of joy, visit: Boneiauction.org
#givealittle #giveaworld