Captured Moment: The Shinever Beis Medrash

YS GOLD On Boro Park’s lower streets, off of 16th Avenue, sits a small beis medrash. Before it began carrying its.... read more

Memory Lane: Rav Meir Shapiro and his Boro Park Host

Among historians, the legend has existed for years that, during his famed visit to America in 1926-1927, Rav Meir Shapiro spent a Shabbos in Boro.... read more

Today In History: American Airlines Flight 587 Crash

On this day in 2001, the second-deadliest aviation accident in US history occurred in Belle Harbor,.... read more

Captured Moments: Savoy Gardens

YS GOLD This week’s captured moment takes us to the outskirts of Boro Park where Savoy Gardens.... read more

HISTORY UNEARTHED: Historian Uncovers 100-Year-Old Photograph of Rav Shimon Shkop

YS GOLD The yohrtzeit of Rav Shimon Shkop—the legendary Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Sha’ar HaTorah in Grodno, which shaped so many.... read more

Memory Lane: Boro Park’s Candy Shops

There was a time when Boro Park residents could get by celling sweets, cigarettes, soda and newspapers on old, rickety shelves—and would draw.... read more

Captured Moment: The Shtiebel Turned Shul

YS Gold This week’s captured moment takes us to the center of Boro Park where a corner home—and the homes next to it— have been.... read more

Memory Lane: Rav Meir Cohen, Menahel of Agudas Horabonim

Within the annals of Agudas Harabonim—the organization to which most of America’s orthodox Rabbanim belonged to for more than a century—the.... read more

Today In History: Twelve Years Since Hurricane Sandy Hit NYC

Today marks 12 years since Hurricane Sandy touched down in New York and caused devastating damage to local communities and.... read more

Captured Moment: The Rebbe with His Lulav

YS Gold Standing in the week following Sukkahs, this week’s.... read more

Today In History: NYC Subway System Opens

The New York City subway system is an integral part of the city, for good and for bad. The subway system has an astonishing average of 3.2 million.... read more

BoroPark24 Community-Wide Sukkah Clean-Up Initiative

Yesterday, BoroPark24's status celebrated the first day after Sukkos by.... read more

Memory Lane: Agudas Yisroel of Boro Park (Zeirei)

Perhaps the most important Shul in postwar America, the epitome of the rebirth of Torah Jewry following the Holocaust, was Agudas Yisroel of Boro.... read more

Chol Hamoed Feature #3: Riveting Facts About Rain

During the second days we will recite Tefillas Geshem, a tefillah in which we ask Hashem to bless us with rain in this upcoming.... read more

Chol Hamoed Feature #2: Living In A Sukkah All Year Round

On Sukkos we go out of our comfortable, heated homes and into flimsy huts outside. Stepping outdoors makes us.... read more

Chol Hamoed Feature #1: 5 Most Spectacular Waterfalls

Sukkos is a Yom Tov of joy and simcha, but there’s an extra layer to that on Chol Hamoed, when we celebrate the Simchas Bais Hashoeva. In the.... read more

Memory Lane: Rav Yisroel Isser Friedman, zt”l, The Krenitzer Rov

‘Isser’l Der Masmid’ Meir Yisroel Isser was born in the year 1900 in the.... read more

How Boro Park Holocaust Survivor, R' Duvid Einhorn, Fasted Yom Kippur Of 1944

Ahead of Yom Kippur, BoroPark24 is gratefull to share a fascinating story from Reb Duvid Einhorn, a Boro Park resident and Holocaust survivor,.... read more